(310) 829-6796

1908 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste 1
Santa Monica, California 90404

As of March 15, 2024 Dr. Sam Muslin has retired and is not practicing in any other locations. Unfortunately, several dentists have claimed he is practicing at their location, or that they are trained and licensed in his trademarked Face Lift Dentistry® procedure. None of these claims are true. Dr. Sam Muslin has not trained, licensed, or endorsed any dentists to perform or to market his procedure. Any claims to the contrary are false.

Dr. Sam Muslin is the exclusive owner of the following trademarks and no other dentists are authorized to use them in any way.

Face Lift Dentistry® VENLAY® JawTrac® Dental Face Lift®

The Highest Level of Non-Invasive Dental Bite Optimization

Without Jaw Surgery, Aligners, or Drilling Away Healthy Teeth

International Dentistry for  Patients in Santa Monica, CA, and all over the World

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Sam Muslin | Last Updated on

Incredible Cosmetics and Comprehensive Jaw Functionality

Cutting down teeth and jaw surgery is no longer your "only option."

What Face Lift Dentistry® Can Do For You

Crooked Bites, Underbites, Overbites, Small Teeth, Not Sleeping Well, Suffering from TMJ, Jaw Pain, Headaches, Neck Pain, and more.

Anti-Aging Facelift Dentistry® Goes Above and Beyond Cosmetic Dentistry

Corrects Underbites, Overbites, Misaligned Jaws, Open Bites, Crossbites, TMJ Pain, in as little as two weeks without Orthodontics or Surgery and no downtime.

Not Only Do We Optimize Smiles, We Optimize Entire Faces

Face Lift Dentistry Jaw and Bite Correction - Before and After

Experience the transformative power of Anti-Aging Face Lift Dentistry®. This innovative approach enhances not just your jawline and facial profile but also your overall health. As a respected Medical Doctor and a pioneer in plastic surgery, this treatment surpassed all her expectations.

What Is Face Lift Dentistry®?

Face Lift Dentistry® is a comprehensive functional and aesthetic transformation that goes above and beyond cosmetic dentistry and porcelain veneers. This method is about improving the jawline, the facial profile, reversing the effects of aging, with the ultimate smile and doing it while simultaneously restoring worn-down teeth, correcting underbites, jaw pain, headaches, without surgeries and without drilling down your healthy teeth. Treatment is exclusively available to patients willing to travel to Santa Monica, California.

Improving the Shape of Your Face

Most people and dentists do not understand that improving the shape of the face, the facial profile, chin size, and chin position, starts with allowing the jaw to move into the ideal position. JawTrac® Ideal Jaw Position Technology has changed the way jaw alignment is idealized because it can be accomplished, quickly, predictably, tested for success, without orthognathic surgery. Once the JawTrac® jaw position has proven to be successful, VENLAY® Bite Restorations have revolutionized bite correction. JawTrac® and VENLAY® correct underbites, overbites, misaligned jaws, bad bites, open-bites, and TMJ problems along with cosmetic benefits that exceed expectations. Jaw surgery and braces are no longer the only choices available. Face Lift Dentistry® supports the face from the “inside out” and can be done with amazing speed and with much less pain because it is non-invasive.

The Doctors TV

No braces, no shots, no pain, no grinding down teeth. Large-looking jaws and a protruding jawline can be treated with the Face Lift Dentistry® method.

VENLAY® Restorations and JawTrac® Technology

Porcelain veneers cannot improve small chins or protruding chins, jaw size, correct your bite or improve your facial profile and the proportions of your face like VENLAY® Restorations. We start with JawTrac® Ideal Jaw positioning, followed by VENLAY® Bite Restorations. With our Face Lift Dentistry® method, your TMJ functionality and aesthetics are optimized in one comprehensive treatment. The best part is that it is 100% non-invasive, with not even the need to drill away your healthy teeth.

Non-Surgical Bite Correction

Correcting your bite without orthognathic jaw surgery or braces is not only possible but will most likely deliver superior results. Instead of having your jaw cut and spending time in the hospital, followed by months in braces, you can let the non-surgical JawTrac® painlessly align your jaw. With JawTrac® you will be able to experience the difference with the new jaw alignment, and you will be able to see the difference to your face before treatment starts. You cannot do this with jaw surgery or braces or clear retainers! Once you love the look and feel of your new jaw position, we start making the no-prep VENLAY® Restorations to make your new jaw alignment a reality. JawTrac® Alignment and VENLAY® Bite Restorations are part of the Face Lift Dentistry® Method.

This treatment improves the health of the patient without the risk of grinding down healthy teeth or the risk of jaw surgery by coordinating the function of the teeth, bite, jaw position, jaw alignment and TMJ. This method relieves pain, helps patients feel better, sleep better with an improved airway passage.

More About Bite Correction

Overbite Correction without Braces or Aligners

Patients that have facial collapse and premature aging, get headaches, clicking jaws and small looking chins generally have deep overbites, short teeth and tooth wear. The small looking chin position is an unnatural position that caused headaches and jaw clicking and popping along with sleeping problems and airway passage problems. When the deep overbite correction was completed it allowed the lower jaw to be in a healthier jaw position that makes the chin appear larger which is its actual size. The healthy jaw position can relieve the headaches, instantly improved the facial profile, and stopped the jaw from popping. In reality, the overbite chin was always normal in size but the overbite made the chin look small because of the chin position. The chin size improves and premature aging reverse when the overbite is corrected using the Face Lift Dentistry® method and the non-invasive VENLAY® restorations. The purpose of the treatment method is to establish the right TMJ functionality, optimized health and maximum aesthetics for the patient.

Anterior Open Bite and TMD Pain Treated, No Surgery or Braces. With only one pair of molars touching she had trouble eating and a lot of pain. Dr. Muslin fixed her openbite in a month without surgery or braces.

Dr. Muslin says: "By building porcelain VENLAY® Restorations over each individual tooth, and by using the specialized imaging method, this dentist can see what is being done to the jaw position. Instantly, the patient has a bigger chin and better facial profile during the JawTrac® Alignment testing process, and when the overbite is corrected. The new jaw position increased the size of the appearance of the chin and improved the facial profile.

More About Overbite Correction

Underbite Correction without Jaw Surgery

Everyone with an underbite that has seen a dentist and a specialist and was told that their only choice to correct the underbite was jaw surgery and years of braces. Today there is a quick and predictable underbite correction without surgery option. Patient beware - there are a few dentists that claim to fix underbites with porcelain veneers, but veneers don't correct the underbite and don't improve the facial profile, don't correct the jaw position, have zero health benefits and don't correct the jawline or the shape of the face.

Watching this short video of the patient before and after his treatment is compelling and informative and proves that Face Lift Dentistry® is in a league of its own. This patient experienced something that has changed his life in just a few weeks which could not be done with old school dental methods.

When Dr. Muslin corrects an underbite with his no tooth grinding VENLAY® Restorations and the Face Lift Dentistry® method, the patient gets to see the porcelain in their mouth and experience the results with office lighting and with sunlight outside the office before the restorations are bonded. This is a huge advantage for the patient as changes can be made and there are no surprises. You cannot see your final results with jaw surgery and braces until it's too late.

More About Underbite Correction
Sam Muslin DDS, MAGD

Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction

Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.

Contact Us

Call Us: (310) 829-6796

Face Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.