The Ultimate Bite Collapse Treatment with No Surgery or Drilling Down Healthy Teeth. Quick, Comfortable and Predictable
She did not want a surgical face-lift and she also did not want jaw surgery and braces to correct her overbite and correct her collapsed jaw. She just was not interested in dental care that would drag out over years with orthodontic treatment, time in the hospital and time away from work to recover from the surgical face-lift.
She found Dr. Sam Muslin’s unique Face Lift Dentistry® Treatment and was very impressed with his unprecedented before and after photos of virtually every dental problem. She said, “If he can help all of those patients, with deep overbites and underbites he should be able to help me.” Most patients don’t realize that the reason they have facial collapse as the process of wearing down the bite occurs so slowly.
She struggled with her deep overbite for many years. She knew that the previous cosmetic dentistry was bad cosmetic dentistry and now was told by these other dentists the only way to solve her aging face and overbite problems were surgery. She told Dr. Muslin on her first visit, “You are my last hope”.
After her first consultation with Dr. Muslin she discovered that facial collapse could be reversed by idealizing the jaw position with JawTrac® and correcting the bite with VENLAY® Restorations. The bite is the foundation for the shape of the patient’s face so if the bite is collapsed; the face will also be collapsed. A surgical face-lift cannot correct the basic structure that supports the jawline and facial profile but if the patient decides to get the Face lift Dentistry® method and combine it with a surgical face-lift, they will get the best of both methods.
Not only was her jaw realigned and her overbite corrected without surgery or the need for orthodontic treatment, the cosmetic result removed years of premature aging to reveal the beauty within.
The Dental Face Lift® has the advantage of a surgical face-lift without the surgery. The reason Dr. Sam Muslin’s unique Dental Face Lift® treatment is so compelling is that he developed the method to predictably lengthen the face of the patient and non-surgically allow the jaw to reposition itself along with an anti-aging benefit. The Dental Face Lift® treatment is exclusive to Dr. Muslin and can remove 10 to 15 years from the patient’s face without surgery and at the same time greatly improve the health of the patient. No other cosmetic dentistry procedure, face-lift, plastic surgery, facial fillers have a health benefit. The Dental Face Lift® by Dr. Muslin, not only transforms the patient’s face but also transforms the patient’s health. The health benefits of his care reduce facial stress, jaw stress, and infection that helps his patients live longer and healthier lives.
Sure enough, in three weeks, Dr. Sam Muslin's Face Lift Dentistry® procedure aligned Nancy's upper and lower jaws. Jaw alignment augmented her unique facial characteristics perfectly. Living Longer is possible and living healthier is possible with the Dental Face Lift®. She was delighted with her new look, her smile and the surge of confidence she experienced. She felt confident in her workplace and the possibilities it held for her. She also will live longer and require fewer medications over her lifetime because of the significant functional benefits to her health with decay and infection removal and much less stress in her jaw, head, and neck with his unique overbite correction technique.
Many people live with an overbite that is unfavorable for their face and jaws. And most are unaware that they suffer from this condition unless they have jaw pain or headaches. Deep overbites contribute to facial collapse and the aging face. As the overbite deepens with age and time, the patient’s face looks older, and the jaw position gets worse.
If untreated, tooth wear continues to worsen the overbite. This eventually leads to bite collapse and facial shortening that combines with TMJ pain, headaches and old age. Once this occurs, "buck" teeth and the overbite worsens as the patients gradually and slowly experience facial collapse that they rarely notice because it occurs so gradually.
The teeth play a big role in the shape and length of the face. So, the face can be affected when the teeth shorten. Teeth shorten with time and age. Grinding can occur more forcefully for someone with a bad bite.
The subsequent wear on the teeth results in a deeper overbite and facial collapse. A shortened face usually accelerates the appearance of facial wrinkles. It makes the lips look thinner. Often the person even loses speech clarity. They look older, sound older and feel older.
Unfortunately, tooth wear is gradual, so the person usually remains unaware of how much deterioration has occurred. Most people with aging faces think that to look younger, they need a surgical face-lift when nothing could be further from the truth. The patient actually needs Dr. Sam Muslin’s, exclusive Dental Face Lift® which actually reverses the aging process by treating the actual problem that causes the face to look old.
Anti-Aging Face Lift Dentistry® reverses years of wear and bite collapse by creating the ideal facial height for each patient's facial features. In fact, within a few weeks, as much as 10 to 20 years of aging can be reduced from a patient's face while also improving the patient’s health. Surgical face-lifts do not have a health benefit; it is purely a cosmetic procedure. Face Lift Dentistry® treatment not only creates a more symmetrical, healthier bite, but it also reshapes and restores the patients face for a more youthful appearance. The key benefit of Dr. Muslin’s exclusive Face Lift Dentistry® treatment is a longer life with health improvements.
In one well-organized treatment sequence, the overbite is corrected, the dental decay is removed, gum care is optimized, the jaw is moved to a much less stressful position, and the patient’s face is permanently lengthened. On the first visit, all of the old crowns, cavities and gum infections get removed. The best cosmetic dentist then replaces all of the old dentistry with temporary crowns, veneers, and fillings. On the second visit, all of the new crowns, porcelain veneers, and fillings get bonded. This results in a complete reversal of bite collapse and the patient gain permanent facial support, less jaw stress and lengthening of the patient's face.
"When all was said and done, he replaced all of the old amalgam fillings, saved a couple of teeth with root canals, and rebuilt my bite and my smile. The health results, as well as the cosmetic results, have been stunning".
Sam Muslin, D.D.S., has developed a unique and exclusive combination of dental technologies. They reverse years of tooth wear. They establish the best height for the patient's bite to harmonize with individual facial features. This technique combines the best dental technologies with the best cosmetic dentistry to create a predictable, natural looking result. It works with a wide variety of patients with different and complex dental needs.
The treatment must be precisely tailored to each individual. This is so Dr. Muslin can construct the best possible bite to enhance the patient's health and appearance.
Each Face Lift Dentistry® procedure is as unique as the patient. Dr. Muslin has not trained any other dentist as he has concentrated on treatment first and will begin the training process of interested cosmetic dentists later.
With over 30 years in practice and as an experienced Face Lift Dentist®, Dr. Muslin has a deep understanding of complex dentistry. His unique and exclusive care quickly creates life-changing results. For those patients who want the highest level of non-invasive, implant, and aesthetic dentistry, call Sam Muslin, D.D.S., M.A.G.D., for your evaluation.
Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction
Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.
Contact UsFace Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.