The Most Advanced Anti-Aging Dentistry: No Drilling Down Healthy Teeth. Quick, Safe and Predictable
This facelift alternative does not require facial surgery and it does not use facial fillers. The problem with getting a facelift is that the shape of your face remains the same and so does your bite. Today, there is an age defying facelift alternative that actually lasts longer than a facelift and has health benefits that improves the quality of your life. Patients can have facial support and lip support, a comfortable jaw position, a younger shape to your face, all without surgery.
A worn down bite causes the face to change shape. The lower face becomes too short and the lips are squeezed together. The Face Lift Dentistry® method restores the bite and the jaw position so that the patient will look years younger in just a matter of a few weeks.
The aging face gets shorter, the chin gets too close to the nose and the lips are squeezed together all because of the worn down bite. It is more important than ever before to address these issues as we are living decades longer. Looking younger with this version of a non-surgical face-lift helps patients physically feel younger too.
65-Year old patient from Florida. She did not like the look of her collapsed bite and that her teeth were no longer visible when she smiled. Her profile changed over the years. When she first learnt about Face Lift Dentistry® she was excited about the prospect of erasing years of aging. Did Face Lift Dentistry® deliver? Watch her video!
A younger shape to the face provides fuller lips and smoother skin that is totally natural. The new JawTrac® jaw position methodology transforms the facial profile and facial support to that of a much younger person.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression that says you look and feel your best!
Many doctors are advertising the non-surgical face-lift. Don’t confuse their “injecting facial fillers method” with JawTrac® which allows your lower jaw to move to it’s proper position, rather than leave it trapped in it’s present position. This patient's bite has trapped her jaw in an unnatural position which caused her to age prematurely. It was reversed with the JawTrac® age defying process.
Look at her skin in the before photo and look at it in the after photo taken only 3 weeks later. Nothing was done to her skin except give it the support necessary from her new bite built with VENLAY® Restorations and the Face Lift Dentistry® method.
The aging face gets shorter, the chin gets too close to the nose and the lips are squeezed together all because of the worn down bite. The shape of the face is short and round. Looking younger with this version of a non-surgical face-lift helps patients physically feel younger by relieving head and neck tension. Her new jaw position was established with a full mouth reconstruction that utilized the no prep VENLAY® Restorations. The VENLAY® Restorations saved her healthy teeth from the dental drill. VENLAY® Restorations are the non-surgical face-lift alternative that removes years of aging from the patient’s face. Most dentists call their cosmetic dentistry, anti-aging dentistry but this highly advanced anti-aging dentistry is only available in Santa Monica California.
JawTrac® locates the best jaw position for the patient. Many patients experience TMJ pain relief and sleep better with the new jaw position. The VENLAY® Restorations do not require grinding down your healthy teeth so the treatment is ideal for younger people because all 28 teeth can get VENLAY® Restorations without getting a shot! It is even better for mature patients because they don’t have to drill down their remaining healthy teeth for porcelain crowns. All of their healthy teeth are saved. Then, the Face Lift Dentistry® Method ties the whole process together so patients can be treated quickly, in a matter of weeks with much less pain than the “old time method” that unnecessarily cause a great deal of pain by grinding down your health teeth that is used by the other dentists.
The high tech non-surgical facelift alternative prevents premature aging and is the ultimate Anti-Aging Dentistry method because it corrects overbites, under bites and bad bites. The secret to this treatment is that it idealizes the shape of your face, jawline and profile. It transforms lives by building the bite that supports your face and establishes the jaw position that is the natural best position for the patient. The health benefits and the cosmetic benefits support the face non-invasively and non-surgically.
No cosmetic dentist has the training, technology or knows the Face Lift Dentistry® Method. (A course for dentists is being planned.) Cosmetic dentistry is just a smile enhancement with little health benefits. Most cosmetic dentistry is harmful to your healthy teeth because cosmetic dentists drill down your health teeth into little stubs. No, this is not general cosmetic dentistry, this is Face Lift Dentistry®. Face Lift Dentistry® is the ultimate level of dentistry and currently only available from Dr. Sam Muslin at his Santa Monica office. Whereas cosmetic dentistry’s primary focus is to beautify the smile, Face Lift Dentistry® addresses structural issues, such as the shape of your face, your chin size, facial profile, your jaw and bite position, premature aging, facial support and it has health benefits that are not available with cosmetic dentistry.
Yes, we know, it sounds too good to be true but all of these patients in this website are the ultimate testimonials and they are saying . . . No matter where you live, get to this dentist.
Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction
Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.
Contact UsFace Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.