Reverse the Negative Effects of Extraction Orthodontics, Restore Facial Balance and Regain a Youthful Appearance
Medically Reviewed by Sam Muslin, DDS, MAGD | Last Updated on 03/27/2023
Tooth extraction for braces can leave you with more than straight teeth. After extracting four bicuspid teeth to make room for the rest of the teeth, some patients experience facial collapse, small chins, short round faces, TMJ problems, and premature aging.
Many patients have experienced some level of dissatisfaction with the physical, functional, and cosmetic appearance of the shape of their face, the width of their smile, premature aging, and profile. From a physical and functional perspective, they may have TMJ pain, clicking jaw joints, headaches, sleeping problems due to the reduced space for their tongues, breathing problems, bite collapse, recessive jaw position, an overbite, underbite, open bite, crossbite, or misaligned jaw.
From a cosmetic perspective, they have narrow smiles and lack facial and lip support. They have premature aging and sinking jawlines combined with some level of facial collapse. Some of these patients tried clear aligners, arch expanders, and orthodontic braces or aligners a second time which did not work. Jaw Surgery was recommended as their only choice, and that is frankly not true anymore.
The short answer is no. Porcelain veneers do not correct bites as they are just cosmetic camouflage. Some get porcelain veneers, but veneers are very limited in widening a smile or correcting the bite. With veneers, the shape of the face stays short and round, premature aging keeps going, the jawline is still sinking, the overbite is usually deeper, and the smile is still too narrow.
Some patients want bicuspid extraction treatment reversed using orthodontic arch expanders, but after nine years of frustration, this patient was left with teeth that became flared out so far that she did not like her appearance. In some instances, placing implants in the spaces was difficult due to the angles of the roots of the teeth. When teeth get expanded out too far, gum recession can become an issue years later.
Reversing Bicuspid Extraction with Orthodontics was able to open up some spaces, but the process caused a considerable problem with her bite. She could not even touch her teeth together on both sides. Only one side of her teeth touched after eight years of expanders, bionator, flipper, night guards, and other orthotics! Read more about this case, and watch her video.
Orthodontics cannot improve the shapes, color, and sizes of your teeth which is a major limitation of this method. With Dr. Muslin's method, patients can have their teeth' shapes, color, and sizes optimized for their faces. They can have the color that they always wanted, get their bites corrected by having the sizes of their teeth optimized to give the ideal jaw position, and get a wider smile and an improved jawline in about a month.
Some patients have very large, crooked teeth, and the size of their jaw is too small. The dentist will extract bicuspids so that the remaining teeth can fit inside the jawbone. Just because a patient got bicuspid extraction does not mean that they got bad treatment. Bicuspid extraction can be an appropriate treatment. The problem is that the sizes of the bicuspids that were extracted left a space that was too big.
In order to close the spaces all the way, the dentist must move the upper teeth back too far to close the spaces. With the upper teeth angled too far back, the spaces are closed, but now the face lacks support, the tongue lost space, the lower jaw is also pushed back behind the upper teeth, and the airway passage is smaller, making sleeping and breathing more difficult.
Bicuspid extractions can contribute to premature facial collapse, small-looking chins, not enough room for the tongues, narrow smiles, recessive jawlines, and some had TMJ pain, headaches, along with clicking jaws.
Today, the impact of bicuspid extraction can be reversed and completed in about a month without moving teeth, without surgically altering the jaws, and without drilling down your healthy teeth.
This patient had many years of jaw and ear pain and went to multiple dentists for help to no avail. She flew in from Hawaii, and the JawTrac® testing relieved her pain, helped her sleep better, and she physically felt much better. She explains her problems and solutions in her video.
Dr. Muslin developed a method that can be tested before treatment so his patients can experience the feeling and the physical benefits of their new jaw position. With this method, his patients can see the new shape of their faces, and facial profiles before any treatment to the teeth are started. This is a significant advantage over the other methods.
Dr. Muslin's treatment to reverse gaps left by bicuspid extraction does not have a relapse because teeth are not moved orthodontically. The jaws are not surgically altered, so there is no risk, hospitalization, or recovery time. There is little to no treatment risk because instead of surgically cutting your jaws and moving your teeth, this method redesigns the shapes, angles, sizes, and cusp position of your teeth that correct the bite and improve the jaw position. The porcelain layer becomes part of your teeth.
It seems simple enough, but there is another big advantage of this method because it also aligns the jaw position with the TMJ or jaw joints, changing lives faster, safer, and is more predictable.
This method can reverse the recessive chin, improve the facial profile, widen the smile beyond porcelain veneers, support the face, relieve TMJ pain, and reverse the impact of aging at the source. This healthcare method physically, functionally, and cosmetically maximizes each patient to their genetic potential. It starts with locating the most ideal JawTrac® jaw position and testing that position for comfort. JawTrac® simulates your new potential jaw position so our patients can experience pain relief and comfort during the testing process.
After seeing what she described as the best dentists in London, Switzerland, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, and New York, she flew in from Europe. All of them told her to correct her crossbite, misaligned jaw, underbite, and that jaw surgery was her only choice. Watch her explain it in her before and after video testimonial.
Our patients can also see the new shape to their faces when JawTrac® is in their mouth and then take it out to see the difference between the shape of their face with their existing bite vs. the shape of their face with JawTrac®. After wearing the appliance during the day for a few hours and sleeping with the appliance at night, the patient can experience the benefits of their potentially new jaw position. The patient can move forward with the VENLAY® restorations to complete the bite maximization process by designing the porcelain to align with the JawTrac® jaw position.
She always wanted a wider smile and straight teeth, and she was determined to get this done by reversing the impact of extracting her bicuspid teeth.
By reversing the negative impact of two bicuspid extractions or four bicuspid extractions, the patient can experience better function and cosmetics in a very short period by testing. The miracle of this method is that it is accomplished without drilling down your teeth, without jaw surgery, without braces or aligners, and it only takes about a month for most people.
There is ample documented proof that this method reverses the negative effects of bicuspid teeth extraction without surgery or orthodontics, in less than a month. The patients featured in our Before and After Gallery volunteered to allow their results to be used to show actual studies of real results exclusively for your benefit. Dr. Sam Muslin expresses his sincere gratitude to these wonderful and giving patients. They did it for you.
Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction
Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.
Contact UsFace Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.