Face Lift Dentistry® Explained
Medically Reviewed by Sam Muslin, DDS, MAGD | Last Updated on 06/01/2023
Widest Smiles, Underbites, Crossbites, Misaligned Jaws, No Drilling, Done in a Month
How to make a narrow smile wider. I'm going to show you what I think is absolutely the best way to do it.
VENLAY's. Starting with VENLAY's. They're better than porcelain veneers, better than crowns. Better than braces. Better than palatal splitters, most of the time. I mean this is treatment that is quicker, it's more predictable. I can't tell you how many people I see that have had palatal splitters, that are unhappy. How about bicuspid extraction orthodontists? Where they take out 4 bicuspids, and pull your upper teeth back - and usually your jaw goes back with it. And now you have a lousy facial profile.
Well he's had bicuspid extraction, orthodontist - and he doesn't like it. He wants a wider smile. But his main thing, is - is he has to have facial hair, because his chin is pushed back. And he doesn't like that his chin is pushed back, so he uses facial hair to try to hide it. Basically, the widest smiles - they come with a healthy jaw position. So this starts with getting his jaw in the right position. Which - basically, reverses bicuspid - the impact of bicuspid extraction.
So here he is. He shaved his facial hair off. I didn't tell him to do that, he just did it. And now you're looking at his jaw, his lip. His teeth are no longer touching his lip. His jaw is in the position it was always meant to be. His airway is bigger. He breathes better. He sleeps better. His health is better. Everything he does. He's chewing better, he is out of pain. I mean - this is a treatment that coordinates your jaw position to your jaw joints, using JawTrac. JawTrac is the key. If you don't have JawTrac - you don't know where the jaw's supposed to be, and you're just guessing.
None of his teeth were drilled down. Think about that. None of his teeth were drilled down. No jaw surgery, no drilling down his teeth. So here he is before. And you say, "Gee, that's not a bad smile." I agree. The bicuspid extraction orthodontics pulled his teeth back, that's the problem. His chin is back, that's the problem. And, so - now you see, he's got a good chin. He doesn't need facial hair to hide it and disguise it. He's breathing better. He has a wider smile. Now his teeth can support his face. He's going to look younger than everybody else his age. Why? Because he's got the jaw position he's already meant to have. And he's going to have facial support that almost nobody else has.
And so, we're going to reverse the impact. I call it "the impact of bicuspid extraction." I don't want to try to move the teeth out and get the spaces back, and do all these - put implants in, and all of that. It takes forever. And a lot of times - you kind of look a little funny, because all the teeth are flared. So the bottom line, is - we are able to reverse the impact of bicuspid extraction, without doing all of that. It's done in 5 weeks. I need two four-day visits.
So here he is before, again. Here he is with his facial hair. His teeth are touching his lower lip. He doesn't breathe as well. His jaw's pushed back. His airway is smaller. He doesn't speak quite as well. That's one of the reasons why he comes in, because he has to speak quite often. And now, he has the jaw position he's supposed to have. He has the better airway. He has his chin in the right position. His teeth are off the lip. He has facial support. Here he is with the-- I mean, come on. I mean, this is how you get the widest smile possible. Porcelain veneers can't do that.
Now, what if you want to improve your facial profile? No problem. Look at her facial profile. Look at the shape of her chin. Look at the nose and chin position. They're too close to each other. If you have smaller teeth, and the nose and the chin are too close to each other - you can pull it off when you're younger, but not when you're older. It starts to show up big time. Look at her jaw position now. Look at how the neckline looks. How the shape of the chin is vastly different. We didn't do any surgery to the chin. There's no facial fillers here. There's no funny business. There's no surgery.
We only worked on her teeth - got the jaw in the JawTrac jaw position, which improved her facial profile enormously. Why? The JawTrac jaw position is the position your body was most-- Should always have. And so, the issue really is - there wasn't a computer nerd in your mom's belly, designing your teeth and the angles of all your teeth - and the jaw, and the profile - and trying to make it all. No, no - none of that happened. Just a chance. You had small teeth, you have small teeth. Best way to correct small teeth, Face Lift Dentistry. That's the best way to correct small teeth, with VENLAY restorations.
Because, guess what? If you have small teeth, you have problems. There's a structural thing going on here. And, so - you might look, and say, "Wait a second, her teeth don't look that small." However, she now has the teeth that she's supposed to have - for her anatomy, and her jaw size, and for her lips. And she has the face, but mainly she has the profile. Profiles are important. Someone sitting next to you at dinner, and you're chewing away - and they can see all of this. When they see this, they see somebody totally different.
This is the Face Lift Dentistry method. We get the jaw in the position it's meant to be, and then we build a porcelain layer over each one of your individual teeth - in order to give you the jaw position your body was meant to have. Of course - you're going to get white teeth, if you want white teeth. You're going to have the right shapes to your teeth. The right angles are going to support your face. It's going to help your airway be better. You may clench and grind less. Your headaches may be way less.
This is a good thing. This is a mechanical solution for a mechanical problem, and it all deals with healthcare. This is dental healthcare. This is the highest level of dental healthcare.
Why porcelain veneers can be bad for your teeth? Well - she went to the dentist, and she was real unhappy. Basically, the dentist ground down-- Told her it was minimally invasive. Going to grind down her teeth. And it didn't go well.
So we can see they're just little pegs. So that's a real conservative dentist, right? Real conservative. He wasn't going to drill much, right - no?
Yeah. I guess I have no contractual grounds for argumentation, because I think the contract said "some enamel will be removed." And it just never occurred to me, you know?
So don't feel bad. People that are all over the world, this is the way dentistry is right now. Hopefully I'll change that.
That's her first visit to me. We were just talking. She let me film it. What a gracious, beautiful young girl. And she feels pretty violated. Because he numbed her, and drilled for 2 hours - after telling her how minimally invasive this cosmetic dentistry was going to be. And he just drilled down all of her teeth. And she was sensitive, and - hot and cold sensitive. And, it - her bite was way off. She was just so upset. She was uncomfortable now physically, after getting the porcelain veneers. And she let me do that little video clip. And I want to thank her.
So she has porcelain veneers. This isn't a bad job by the dentist. What was really bad, was that he ground her teeth down - and compromised her health, for probably the rest of her life. But her smile's a little bit narrow. She wanted a wider smile, and she didn't want teeth that were so doggone white. So she wanted a more natural look. Just remember, cosmetic dentists will say they're minimally invasive. But what does that really mean? That's the question.
We improved her profile. We took off all the veneers that she had. And we had to numb her to do that. But all of the rest of her teeth, all of her lower teeth - and the rest of her upper teeth, have VENLAY restorations. So she didn't even-- And there's no drilling. We didn't need to numb her. There's no pain involved. VENLAY restorations and this method, preserve your teeth. We don't drill them down. We don't move them. We don't cut your jaws. We save you from all of those things. We're able to give you something even better, in a lot of instances - and far more predictable.
And so, a narrow smile-- People say, "Oh my teeth are worn down, what am I going to do now?" Well here's a guy. I mean, he's got the rollercoaster bite going for him. And his teeth are worn down. And they're short, they're yellow, he's unhappy. Not a single tooth was drilled down. He didn't get any shots. And, so - we're now going to try to fix a very difficult case.
And we start off with the JawTrac jaw position. We figure out, "Where should his jaw be?" People are grinding a lot of times, because their teeth are not in the right position. Their bite and their jaw joints are kind of fighting each other their entire lifetime. The idea of this method - is to get the jaw in the position, where it lines up with the jaw joints. And unfortunately - when your teeth erupt, or when a dentist makes your teeth straight - that doesn't necessarily mean that your jaw is in the position it's supposed to be in. Most people do not have the right size to their teeth, and the jaw position that they were structurally meant to have.
And, so - we took him from this, to this - and never even gave him a shot. No drilling. No braces. No surgery. No crowns. No veneers. All VENLAY's. New bite. And it's much safer, far more predictable. Because we test it first with JawTrac. You know what you're going to look like. You can see your face.
Put JawTrac in, bite. You're now looking at your new jaw line. Boom. Want to look at your profile? Put it in, look at your profile. Take it out, bite. Look at your profile. Put it in, bite. Look at your profile. You're seeing what you're getting, before we do any treatment to your teeth. You can't do that with jaw surgery. You can't do that with braces. You can't do that with palatal splitters. You can't fix worn down teeth with jaw surgery. So my point, is - is this is a comprehensive method, that tries to deal with every element of you. We're trying to make you. We're trying to give you the best version of you.
And so, here he is. Before and after. Loves how he looks. This has been in for many years. He's comfortable. He looks good. This is the Face Lift Dentistry method. It corrects bites. It is healthcare. It is a high level of dental healthcare. This is complicated, hard to do. I'm the only one doing it. And I've developed them. I'm the one that invented the Face Lift dentistry method. Because all of the other methods looked really, really painful. And I mean, they-- I see what my patients look like after they came back. Some of them didn't like how they looked after jaw surgery. Imagine going through that, and not liking how you look?
Well, now I can even take care of people that have had jaw surgery, with the Face Lift Dentistry method. I can-- If you've had your teeth all ground down, no problem. If you've had porcelain veneers, no problems. You can have the jawline you were meant to have.
And so, this is the Face Lift Dentistry method. And so, "Wait a minute. I'm old, I'm a senior - what about me? What about me, I'm a senior?" Well, the trouble is - is when you don't have the right jaw position, it-- You can pull it off when you're younger, but you can't pull it off when you're older. The tissue begins to collapse. You can go out and get a face lift - and they can stretch this back a little bit, pull this back - but you still have a bad jaw position. You still have short, yellow teeth. You don't have the facial support.
So what I always tell my patients, is - get the Face Lift Dentistry method first. Then, if you need some plastic surgery or want some of that type of treatment - it's way less complicated, because you have the structural jaw position you were meant to have. You have lips. You have a good jawline. You have a nice facial profile. A lot of the facial collapse that you had before walking in, is now gone. Look how her face smoothed out, from correcting her bite. Look at how much older she looks here, than she looks here. This is a game changer.
And, so - it all boils down to the position of your jaw. You need the right position for your jaw - before you're going to be as comfortable as you could be, and before you can have the best shape to your face and jawline. And, so - here she is with a deep overbite. Her teeth are worn down. Her jaw's pushed back. When she closes, her jaw's too close to her nose. She is very uncomfortable in this position, and she's been uncomfortable in that position her whole life. She had braces, it relapsed. Here she is.
And so, she was in pain. She flew in from another state. She just went to dentist after dentist, and neurologists and doctors. And when she walked back into the neurologist doctor that she was seeing, he just looked at her, and said, "Oh my God, you look like you feel better to me." He could see that this was good for her health.
And that's why we test first with JawTrac, to prove that it's good to your - for your health. And then, we build VENLAY restorations over your teeth. If you have fillings, some crowns - we usually replace fillings and crowns, or veneers - I usually replace them. Sometimes if your crowns in the back are good, I can build a VENLAY right over the crown, just like I build VENLAY's over worn down teeth, and healthy teeth. And so, she has a lot of healthy teeth. We didn't have to grind them down. And now she has something that very few people have.
When you have small teeth, there's a structural imbalance. And, so - basically - the Face Lift Dentistry method is the solution. If you want anti-aging dentistry, Face Lift Dentistry is the ultimate level of anti-aging dentistry treatment. Whether you have-- Well, wait a minute - what about underbites? Patients say, "I have an underbite, what about me? I mean, can I be treated without jaw surgery?"
This is what an underbite looks like. The lower teeth are out in front of the upper teeth. Your lower jaw looks big. It's really not that big, it just looks big. Why does it look big? Because the jaw is not in the right jaw position. You need JawTrac, so we can get the jaw in the right jaw position. So here she is with her chin sticking out, and the lower teeth. She can't speak clearly. She can't chew anywhere near as well. If she did porcelain veneers on the upper teeth, that's not going to correct her bite. You don't want a dentist just starting to grind down teeth, and doing all of that. The Face Lift Dentistry method - this was done, and she didn't even get a shot.
So how can underbites be corrected without jaw surgery? We find the jaw position she's meant to have, and we build the teeth to support that jaw position. And we build the teeth with a thin layer of porcelain that's handmade, individually made. They're bonded to your teeth. They stay on your teeth for as long as possible.
Some patients have had them 20 years, so far - they're still doing well. Yes, teeth darken. And, yes - gums move a little bit. But bottom line, is - you're living large. And a lot of times - even after 20 years, you don't have to replace them. I don't know how long they will go. I don't tell patients, "Oh, they're going to last this long." Because I really don't know how long.
But I know this. This is absolutely the best level of dental healthcare you can get. This is the best way to get the jaw position you were meant to have. This is the best way to correct an underbite, an overbite. This is the best way for anti-aging dentistry, flat out. None of the teeth are ground down. This is just a whole new level of healthcare. It's good for you.
And, so - we start with JawTrac. We build the VENLAY's to that JawTrac jaw position. We take someone from this, to this. With a new jaw position, new facial profile. Her chin was going to get jaw surgery. It doesn't need jaw surgery. It looks big, because of it's position. Once you get the chin in the position it's supposed to be in, you build the teeth to fit that.
This is a whole new level of healthcare. This is a whole new way of looking at problems. Overbites, underbites, crossbites, misaligned jaws, TMJ pain, headaches, aging faces. I mean, this is the way to solve these problems. Now people ask, "Well how much does this cost?" This is expensive.
You try to do 28 individual restorations - that when the patient closes in the new jaw position, all the cusps line up, everything lines up. You've got the wide smile. You gave them the cosmetics that they want. They can chew better, sleep better - because their airway is better. They breathe better. There's so many elements to this - that help people live a better life, when they have the JawTrac jaw position.
And, so - Face Lift Dentistry saves your healthy teeth. Keeps your teeth intact, by building over them. And it is the alternative for jaw surgery, and it gives you the widest smile possible. It gives you smiles way wider than what porcelain veneers could ever give you. Face Lift Dentistry, this is the time to change your life. This is the way to do it. It's faster. It's safer, it's easier, and it's far more predictable than other methods.
My name is Doctor Sam Muslin. I've been awarded by the International College of Dentists. I'm a Master of the Academy of General Dentistry. Let's get started. Give the office a call. Talk to us. You can send an email with pictures of you, pictures of your dental X-rays - great way to do it. If we can see your dental X-rays, I can see how long your roots are, and I can see how many restorations you have - very helpful. If you send a video of you talking, maybe not by email.
Just give the office a call - get our cell phone number, and you can send us texts. Texts with videos seem to work better than email with video. So send us a text video. And we would be able to see you talking. And you're telling me what you don't like or like. And, boy - we learn so much if you communicate with us that way, rather than just sending us an email, and saying, "Let's do it all by email." Because I can't do much for you by email. Let's get started.
Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction
Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.
Contact UsFace Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.