Face Lift Dentistry® Explained
Medically Reviewed by Sam Muslin, DDS, MAGD | Last Updated on 06/02/2023
Treating Uneven Jaws and Jaw Pain without Surgery
Today we're talking about uneven jaws. Uneven jaws and jaw pain - basically, every one of you have been told you need jaw surgery and braces. Chances are quite high you don't need jaw surgery and braces.
Here is a great example of a young man that has already had jaw surgery and braces. He couldn't eat a burger for a year, missed work for 6 months. There were problems. I'm saying, these surgeons are very good at what they do - but I think there's too many people getting jaw surgery and braces, that really don't need it.
Typical patients with underbites have a mid-face type collapse. And here he is biting his teeth together. His lower teeth are out in front of his upper teeth. That's why he has a protrusive lower jaw. They call that a "class 3 underbite." And here he is closeup. You can see his teeth, you can see he wore braces already. Already had jaw surgery. He flew in from another state. He's all done with the jaw surgery routine.
And here he is after treatment. Basically, his chin is too close to his nose. His lip is rolling out. His mid-face is too unsupported. Now his mid-face is supported. His chin - the entire shape of his face has improved, significantly.
That's why we call it "Face Lift Dentistry." This type of dentistry gets the jaw in the position you are always meant to have. And then once we establish that position, and it doesn't take long - we can build a bite with 28 individual porcelain restorations that are handmade, that are designed to get him to that jaw position - which is his natural position.
Look at the strain in that face, versus the relaxed in this face. It's hard for him to squeeze his teeth together here. It's so uncomfortable. That's why he has had aches and jaw pain every day. They're gone. And we tested that in advance using JawTrac. JawTrac tested this jaw position, proved it could give him pain relief. And we were able to take a patient from pain to no pain, in a very short period of time.
Now we did it with his teeth separated, just so that you could see he's in a more relaxed position in both pictures. But would you rather have this face and this jaw line, versus this face and that jawline?
Basically - there is no shots, no surgery, no drilling down your teeth - and it's done in less than 8 days. That's why we call it, "Face Lift Dentistry."
Our next case is an open bite. Look at this closely. She has uneven jaws. And when she bites together, only the back teeth touch on this side. No teeth touch on this side. None of her front teeth touch. She can't eat a sandwich. She can't eat pizza. She can't do any of the natural things that all of us take for granted. For the last 6 years, she has only eaten blended food. She was wearing braces when I saw her. I told her to get the braces off, and then let's start with the Face Lift Dentistry method.
Here she is biting her teeth together. Once again, she cannot close these front teeth together. It's impossible. That's why we call it an "open bite." Here she is biting her teeth together with an orthotic appliance by her functional orthodontist. Now I've had 20 years of experience with functional orthodontics. I do not want to have to put one of my patients in something like that everyday, just so that they could feel comfortable when they have headaches.
After wearing braces for 6 years and eating only blended food, and having headaches - they told her she was going to need jaw surgery and braces. You don't want to be a senior having to have jaw surgery. Here she is, done. She's comfortable. No shots. No surgery. No drilling.
Biting her teeth together with an open bite. Here she is biting her teeth together with a natural bite. And to keep it interesting, her daughter is a dentist. And so, her daughter couldn't help her. And so, here she is with an open bite. And here she is with a natural bite. Again - no shots, no surgery, no drilling down teeth. Done in 8 days. Face Lift Dentistry changes lives.
So this patient already has porcelain veneers, and an overbite. He is not happy. He doesn't like how his chin looks. His chin is pushed back. Most of you that have overbites, your chins are pushed back. You close your teeth together, your upper teeth are over the front of your lower teeth. Your jaw is pushed back. You look like you have a small jawline. Most of you don't. You don't have a small jawline. It's just in the wrong place.
The cosmetic dentist is going to put porcelain veneers - 10 on the upper, 10 on the lower - and maybe when he smiles, he looks better - but you're not smiling all the time. Look at this jaw position, compared to this jaw. He has a masculine chin. This is a game changer. We get the jaw in a new position naturally. There's no force. There's no pain. There's no surgery. We're not pushing him or doing anything abnormal. Most people fall right into the jaw position they're supposed to have, and the JawTrac method is the way we test that in advance. You can't test jaw surgery. We can test Face Lift Dentistry.
So here he is biting his teeth together. His chin is back. His upper teeth overlap his lower teeth. Here he is biting together. He has the bite that he was always meant to have. The idea here, is - be the person you were meant to be. And that jawline is not what you are meant to be. This jawline is what you were meant to be. Face Lift Dentistry changes the shape of your entire face. That's the whole idea, is to get the jaw position.
She flew to London. She flew to Switzerland. She flew to Germany. She flew to Russia - to the best dentists in the world, and they all told her, "There's no way you can fix that."
How wrong could they be? This was done in a month. And when her jaw is realigned, notice how her jaw is pushed to the left. So she has a crossbite on both sides. And an underbite. So she has a protrusive jaw, bilateral crossbites, with an underbite. She can't speak clearly. Confidence isn't as strong. She has confidence now. And, she's comfortable.
The idea is comfort, and to have the shape of the face and the jaw position that your body was always meant to have, rather than the jaw position that you presently have. And it only requires 2 visits - for most people, if your teeth are healthy - 4 days each visit.
Call the office, phone number's on the website. And you can talk with my staff about coming in and getting a consult. And you can see all of these cases on faceliftdentistry.com. These patients are talking to you. They're explaining to you what they did, how it feels, how they're speaking.
My name is Doctor Sam Muslin. I invented the Face Lift Dentistry method, so let's get started with a life changing process that is not invasive or painful.
Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction
Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.
Contact UsFace Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.