Treating Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Non-Surgical JawTrac® TMJ Alignment for your Ideal Jaw Position


Medically Reviewed by Sam Muslin, DDS, MAGD | Last Updated on 05/09/2024

What Triggers TMJ Discomfort?

TMJ pain, often referred to as TMD (Temporomandibular Dysfunction) is a cycle of pain and muscle spasms when your teeth, jaw joints, and muscles do not work together in harmony. The lack of functional coordination between the patient's bite and jaw joints can be the central cause or at least a contributing cause of headaches, neck pain, jaw pain, poor posture, speaking problems, sleeping problems, breathing problems, and TMJ pain. When the patient bites their teeth together, the jaw joints next to the ears are forced by the bite to move out of a healthy jaw position that, prevents the TMJ (jaw joints) from functioning normally.

Get the correct jaw position, and the pain can be gone or at least relieved.

The High-Tech Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Treatment Option

Correcting the lack of function of the TMJ has never been easier, safer, and more predictable. This predictable high-tech TMJ treatment requires no jaw surgery for most patients. Unlike other non-surgical methods, which are done with full mouth reconstruction or cosmetic dentistry, no healthy teeth are drilled down for porcelain veneers or crowns, making this method more desirable and safer. Dr. Sam Muslin knows that teeth are being drilled down every day, which is unnecessary with this high-tech method. Most patients don't even need a shot, making this the #1 non-invasive method that provides the JawTrac® jaw position. Warning: this method does much more than other TMJ treatments and costs more. One of our patients stated: "When you realize what you are getting, it's cheap." Most of our patients spend about $80,000 to get their bites, faces, jawlines, and health optimized non-invasively with cosmetic benefits that are above and beyond porcelain veneers.

What is the JawTrac® TMJ/TMD Jaw Position?

Very few patients ever experience their ideal jaw position because their teeth won't allow it. When they close their teeth together, their jaw joints are pushed to an awkward jaw joint position. The JawTrac® jaw position is your ideal and most comfortable jaw position. This method helps the patient quickly locate their optimal jaw position and experience TMJ pain relief before any treatment is done to their teeth. Our patients get to see the shapes of their faces before the bite is corrected. Our patients get to experience the feeling of their new bite before they get it.

Can TMJ Disorder Affect the Shape of the Face?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, jaw position, and the shape of your face are interconnected in several ways. The TMJ is the joint that connects your lower jaw (mandible) to your skull's temporal bone, and it plays a crucial role in your ability to talk, chew, and yawn. It's also one of the most complex joints in the human body, as it allows for various types of movement, including sliding and rotation.

The shape of your face is impacted by the type of bite you have, the sizes of your teeth, your jaw position, age, and bite. Most of the time, TMJ dysfunction alters the shape of your face, and your face cannot hide TMJ pain. Patients suffering from TMJ pain look stressed or tense. Tension, stress, and pain are difficult to hide.

TMJ Treatment Failures

Traditional treatment solutions generally do not deliver the ideal jaw position. Many of Dr. Sam Muslin's patients have reported that braces, clear aligners, nightguards, splints, orthotics, functional orthodontics, jaw surgery, full mouth reconstructions, porcelain veneers, and cosmetic dentistry did not help. Braces and clear aligners can relapse. Full mouth reconstructions, veneers and cosmetic dentistry drill down your healthy teeth, which can be painful and "brutally destructive" to your long-term dental health. Splints and nightguards can be helpful but are not designed to give the patient the optimal jaw position.

What about Occlusal or Bite Equilibration?

Bite correction has many different methods, including an occlusal adjustment with or without bite equilibration. This method involves drilling away tooth structure to help the teeth fit together when the jaw is closed. But unfortunately, equilibrations also shorten the height of the bite and can also shorten the patient's face and jaw position.

TMJ and a Bad Bite

Overbites, underbites, open bites, crossbites, and any other bite that does not allow the jaw joints to function normally are considered bad bites. Healthy jaw function is the key to TMJ pain relief, and the highest level of bite correction gets the jaws in the optimal jaw position. To get the JawTrac® jaw position, the healthy teeth are augmented with a porcelain layer called VENLAY® restorations. They are bonded right over the top of the patient's healthy teeth. No drilling, braces, surgery, or waiting, as most patients typically only require two 4-day treatment sessions unless they need a lot of additional dental work.

How Your Jaw Alignment Impacts TMJ

The temporomandibular joint is where the jawbone attaches to the skull, playing an important role in how you eat and talk. When tension and pressure increase in this joint, it can cause symptoms that fall into the category of temporomandibular joint disorder (often known as TMJ). If you are living with TMJ, it’s essential to consider how your jaw alignment and teeth positioning affect your bite. Misalignments in the way your teeth come together can contribute to TMJ, causing the symptoms to worsen over time.

Common Symptoms of TMJ

Temporomandibular Dysfunction refers to issues concerning the muscles and jaw joints that constitute the mandibular region of the jaw and the temporal bone situated at the skull's base. When balance to the teeth, muscles and bones are lost, then you might notice one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain or discomfort in the jaw, which can spread to the face, shoulders, and neck
  • Sounds when the jaw is moving, including grating, popping, or clicking
  • Difficulty opening the mouth wide
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Headaches
  • Stiff or tender jaw muscles
  • Changes in the bite
  • Clenching
  • Facial Tension
  • Jaw Tension

If you notice any of these symptoms, then it’s essential to talk to a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment. Find a local dentist or oral surgeon who specializes in TMJ so you can identify the best treatment to correct these issues.

Common TMJ treatments range from lifestyle changes to wearing a bite guard, orthodontics to change bite alignment, or maxillofacial surgery for severe cases.

How Jaw Position Affects TMJ

How your jaw is aligned undeniably impacts the function and movement of the temporomandibular joint. Many types of soft tissues work together to allow this joint to move: ligaments and muscles, as well as a disc for cushioning the joint.

If you are experiencing jaw misalignment, it stresses the jaw joint and causes strain in the associated muscles. Eventually, this ongoing stress starts to result in the symptoms listed above.

Several issues can play a role in contributing to jaw misalignment, which can lead to a TMJ diagnosis:

Stress: Chronic stress takes a toll on mental and physical wellness. Patients under constant stress have a higher risk of tighter muscles throughout the body, including the jaw.

Bruxism: This condition involves teeth grinding and clenching, which puts higher levels of force on the jaw joint and can change dental alignment.

Malocclusion: If changes happen to how the jaws align, then this malocclusion can contribute to increasing TMJ symptoms.

Posture Issues: Sitting and standing with poor posture throughout the day changes alignment in the body. As a result, forward head movement or slouching can increase the risk of TMJ symptoms.

Injury: If the jaw or surrounding muscles experience any type of trauma, it can result in jaw misalignment and contribute to TMJ.

Degenerative Joint Disease: Certain health issues can contribute to TMJ because of degeneration in the joint, causing the movement and function to change over time.

Jaw Position Matters for TMJ Treatment

There are many reasons why jaw position is important, especially for patients with TMJ. When the jaw is aligned, it means that the teeth and facial structures are coming together in the correct position. As a result, all of the ligaments and muscles are working optimally, without unnecessary tension and stress.

But if the jaw is misaligned, it puts pressure on these jaw muscles and changes how the teeth are aligned. The jaw shifts out of position to compensate for the misalignment. As a result, it’s common for TMJ symptoms to develop, such as headaches, neck pain, and ear pain.

In addition to TMJ issues, improper jaw position can also cause many other dental issues. For example, if the teeth aren’t coming together correctly, it can result in gum recession, tooth wear, and eventual tooth loss in severe cases. So, it’s essential to treat TMJ and jaw misalignment as soon as possible to avoid long-term consequences.

There’s no question that the correct jaw positioning is essential to treat TMJ issues. In addition to providing immediate relief, jaw alignment treatment also positively impacts long-term results. Suppose you are experiencing any type of pain or discomfort in the jaw joint. In that case, it’s essential to talk to a specialist immediately for a personalized treatment plan to correct jaw position.

Sam Muslin DDS, MAGD

Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Highest Level of TMJ Treatment without Surgery

Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.

Contact Us

Face Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.