Beyond Veneers and Cosmetic Dentistry - No Drilling, No Surgery
Patients experience gum recession along with the loss of the papilla or gum between their teeth leaving an unsightly “black triangle” space. Over time, the space gets bigger and food gets stuck between the teeth which creates an “a smile with food stuck in the dark triangles”. Gum grafting for gum recession has been a partial solution that doesn’t work all of the time because the spaces are too large. Many of these patients also need bite correction, they may clench and grind their teeth, may have crooked teeth, suffer from small chins, have overbites, experience premature aging and have a facial profile with a weak jawline.
Sometimes it is best to let the patient tell their own story. Kim sent us the following review 11/25/2015 - 3 days after treatment was completed:
Hear and see this patient tell her own story.
Hello Dr. Muslin,
"I would first like to say that if I seemed at all hesitant or unsure in expressing thanks for the work you did on me, it is only because I am still adjusting to seeing unfamiliar teeth in my mouth. Everything overall is very beautiful, your skills and eye for detail are b-e-y-o-n-d compare, my new bite feels ah-mazing, and I've regained the confidence to smile again-- BEST feeling ever!! Thank you, thank you, and thank you! I am sure I will feel more elated as I become more accustomed to what I see in the mirror :)"
"As mentioned, I found your office via your website because I was able to Google my individual issues (black triangle/gum recession, bite alignment, grinding, veneers) and your name kept coming up. Your website was the ONLY one that offered enough information for me to be able to decide that you were the one that would be able to treat all my issues.”
“In the beginning, I didn't understand the importance of addressing all my dental problems (nor did I know I had so many problems), I just wanted the black triangles fixed because I was extremely self-conscious of my smile. I knew I had to do something because I was too embarrassed to smile anymore.”
1 - “I went to my dentist for Gum Rejuvenation surgery. She could treat the gum loss I had along the sides but NOT the gum loss in the front. Strike one 😞”
2 - “I was referred to a periodontist. He said I had way too much gum loss and that I needed traditional grafting (treatment time 3-months each side= 6-months total), BUT he could ONLY treat the side teeth, that NOTHING could be done to treat the holes in the front. Strike two 😞”
“The periodontist also commented that my bite was off so I should get braces (treatment time 1-2 yrs. with no guaranteed results). Strike three 😞 Note: up until now, no one had told me my bite was off! ”
4 - “The periodontist also said to get veneers after the braces come off-- but veneers might not work on me since I'm a grinder and I'd knock them off. Perhaps whole crowns would be better, but I'd have to ask my own dentist about it when the time came. More waiting time... Strike four 😞”
“If I did all the recommended treatments listed above, I would have to WAIT 1-2 years to see any results-- all the while STILL having to live with the HORRID BLACK TRIANGLES (and terribly worn down teeth). I hated the black triangles and refused to live with them that long. That's when I went online and found you.”
The gums are not completely healed because this photo was taken only two days after bonding the porcelain. The gums will grow back to fill the spaces over the next few weeks. The patient has no pain, no tooth sensitivity, no difficulty chewing and did not need shots or anesthesia to bond any of the porcelain to her teeth.
“Thank you for a wonderful experience with you and your staff. Not only did I get all my dental issues addressed, but also I gained length/height to my teeth, which no other dentist/specialist could offer me. Plus, I just realized that I no longer need to get fillers in my chin or lips as I had planned-- it wasn't a problem with my chin or lips, it was my teeth! As with all things unfamiliar, I was nervous going to your office, but now that everything is done, I know that I could not have made a better choice than choosing you to give me new teeth. I'm still getting used to my smile, but other than that, I could not be happier! My dentist was right in saying you are in the top 1%. I'm glad I chose you”.
Instead of taking years to do only part of her treatment by multiple dentists, she had all of her treatment completed in about three weeks by one dentist. To start her care, she was treated in the office for one day, flew back home, waited three weeks for the VENLAY® restorations to be completed, flew back and stayed four days to complete her care. On the first day, she was able to see the results in her mouth before the porcelain was bonded to her teeth. She made some changes that were done by Dr. Muslin and his ceramist over night and the treatment was completed the next day with minor adjustments over the next two days.
“Thank you so much for everything! I will see you soon!”
Note: This post was published unedited with the patient's permission. Photos and photo captions were added by Dr. Sam Muslin.
Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction
Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.
Contact UsFace Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.