Fixing a Bad Bite and Broken Porcelain Veneers
Medically Reviewed by Sam Muslin, DDS, MAGD | Last Updated on 11/04/2022
This type of dentistry is also referred to as "full mouth reconstruction dentistry". Most or all of the teeth are being restored with porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns and the patient was hopefully getting a better bite.
The definition of "bite correction" and the methods to achieve are not clearly defined so the treatment methods it are entirely different from one dentist to another. which is why it is not clearly defined.
The quality of the results varies widely between dental offices. You cannot compare the cost of a full mouth reconstruction from one dentist to another dentist.
When porcelain veneers break and crowns fracture, the bite was probably not coordinated with the TMJ. Many problems are evident in this photo: short upper teeth, broken porcelain veneers, tooth decay, worn teeth due to a bad bite, and a veneer that fell off.
The bite has been corrected and her veneers are replaced. The jaw is now coordinated with the TMJ and it's unlikely that this patient will experience any future bite problems.
This lack of harmony increases the degree of clenching and grinding by the patient. Additionally, the patient can have headaches, neck and lower back pain form the facial tension and muscle tension caused by the imbalance in the patients lower jaw function.
At this point, she has broken the porcelain on several teeth and us unhappy. The dentist was afraid of getting another lawsuit against him or her, so the dentist referred the patient to Dr. Sam Muslin. There were several elements that were missed regarding causing the failure of her treatment even though the dentist was giving his or her very best efforts. When the cosmetic dentist does not do a lot of bite reconstruction dentistry, it is easy to miss things that are important. No two patients are exactly alike and the dentist must be able to "think of his or her feet".
Bite Reconstruction by Santa Monica dentist Dr. Sam Muslin.
This patient probably had cosmetic dentistry in mind. She probably wanted white teeth and a wonder smile. But when she wanted the treatment but now after having so many porcelain veneers break, she just wanted her treatment to last. She was afraid to go out to dinner because another tooth would break and it would be embarrassing. She was sick of cracked porcelain veneers and broken porcelain crowns.
The solution was to replace all of it and help her get over her fear of broken porcelain. It took about a year for her to gain the confidence in her dentistry that the new porcelain was not going to break and feel comfortable confident in the dentistry that nothing was going to break or chip off.
The treatment was done about 5 years ago, no problems with chipping, breaking or cracking and she is feeling great, confident and loves her smile. The most important element is that she is also comfortable with her bite for the first time in her life.
Dr. Sam Muslin can idealize the cosmetics for the best in anti-aging dentistry and he can idealize the health of the patient with is jaw optimization method. He believes that "you will look your best when you feel your best"
What Dr. Muslin does is test the new jaw position of the patient because his mouth reconstructions are designed to improve the shape of the patient's face. He wants to reverse the aging process by improving the health of the patient by idealizing their jaw position quickly and easily.
The process relies on using jaw imaging technology that has ultra-low radiation to see the jaw position that is ideal and then test it so he can see the jaw position with various bite positions. He knows he will be successful, before he starts working on your teeth.
All photos are untouched and unaltered on his website and he sincerely thanks all of these patients for helping him help other people with similar problems.
Call the office on (310) 829 6796 to discuss your issues and potentially plan your treatment.
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