Non-Surgical Jaw Alignment that Transforms your Face and Optimizes your Bite and TMJ
Facial collapse is a natural part of aging. When you see your aging face in the mirror, you are most likely thinking that you need a surgical face lift. You may be surprised to know that a face lift will not correct the source of your facial collapse. Your worn down bite and a misaligned jaw should be treated before you considder a face lift. Many patients discover that they do not need a face lift after this treatment. Bite correction reverses facial collapse in just a matter of a few weeks without facial surgery, and has benefits which are good for your health.
If you want to look younger and improve your health at the same time, bite correction with this exclusive method is your ticket to age reversal and making the aging face younger looking. The key is to understand what has happened with time. The aging face begins to collapse as the bite worsens and the problem is that most of us never had the most ideal jaw position for our faces.
Facial collapse is the result of the bite wearing down, causing the jaw to close too much resulting in the face becoming shorter. The soft tissue of the face buckles, wrinkles and folds form and the face starts looking older. When the bite collapses the jaw collapses, and then the face collapses, causing small chins and short round aging faces. The jaw position determines the shape of the face. Bite collapse and premature aging are reversed when the patient’s bite and jaw position is optimized to their facial structure.
When our bites get worn down, our soft tissue bunches up on the sides of our mouths because the soft tissue has lost support from an ideal jaw position.
The aging face has lost the support from the teeth and bite. As both the teeth and bite wear down, the aging process accelerates. Reversing aging is all about the shape of your face and regaining the permanent support from your new teeth and bite. This patient had a lot of old porcelain crowns, fillings and porcelain veneers that were all replaced at one time with a matching set of porcelain restorations that reversed the aging process.
When you compare the faces, the face on the right has better lip support and fewer wrinkles. The patient's face has less tension and has permanent facial support because the optimized jaw position, using JawTrac®, gave her permanent facial support.
Any dentist can call himself or herself an anti-aging dentist. No training or special skill is required. Anti-aging dentistry is really nothing other than cosmetic dentistry designed to make you believe that you are getting something special, when in reality, you are not. The real goal of Anti-Aging Dentistry is to get improved health with an optimized bite that augments your face. Bite correction is the key and Face Lift Dentistry® is the ultimate method of non-invasive bite correction.
Patients can have the benefits of the ideal bite position without jaw surgery, braces and without drilling down your teeth. Young patients are getting ideal facial features without the risk of surgery in just a couple of weeks. Seniors are getting younger faces with our revolutionary bite correction.
The shape of the face is determined by the jaw position. Premature aging is reversed when the patient’s bite and jaw position is optimized to their facial structures using JawTrac®. JawTrac® optimizes the jaw position to the patients facial structures so the Face Lift Dentist® can coordinate the bite, jaw position and facial structures. Very few people have the most ideal bite, or ideal jaw position or the best possible shape to their faces.
The very low risk, non-surgical Face Lift Dentistry® Method is highly predictable and is much less painful than any other method. It was developed to “optimize” the shape of the patient's face by correcting overbites, underbites and bite collapse. With non-invasive, non-surgical VENLAY® Restorations bite correction, bite collapse, jaw collapse and facial collapse are reversed without grinding down your healthy teeth. This treatment works quickly on teenagers and patients over 90 years of age because it is non-invasive, faster, less risk and far less painful than any other method available.
This may be the safest treatment available which makes this treatment the ultimate care for just about all ages.
The bite specialist that previously treated this patient did not have the right jaw position, and her teeth do not have the right sizes and shapes. In the after photo, her jawline has been optimized with JawTrac® by Dr. Muslin and her face now looks years younger.
This patient already had bite correction but as you can see, it did not help her look younger. In order to receive the Face Lift Dentistry® bite correction method, all of her old dentistry was replaced with new porcelain crowns and veneers that improved her health, her bite and the shape of her face.
Non-invasive bite correction was also done on the remaining teeth that did not already have porcelain crowns and other restorations. Dr. Muslin was able to save her natural teeth that were healthy from the dental drill with VENLAY® Restorations. Her treatment included teeth that were never ground down along with teeth that were previously ground down.
Dr. Sam Muslin sincerely and humbly thanks this patient for allowing him to demonstrate the power of this treatment and how it enhances lives. JawTrac® jaw alignment with VENLAY® Restorations and the Face Lift Dentistry® method is the future of bite correction dentistry.
Face Lift Dentistry® Is The Future of Bite Correction
Face Lift Dentistry® not only optimizes your smile, but it also optimizes your entire face! Call today and get ready to change your life. Face Lift Dentistry® results are Safer, More Reliable, Testable, and Far More Predictable Healthcare with enormous Cosmetic Impact.
Contact UsFace Lift Dentistry® fee is $40,000 per upper or lower arch plus any additional dental work such as fillings, gum work, dental implants, etc. Most patients get both the upper and the lower arches done simultaneously to maximize their results and get the most health benefits possible. Face Lift Dentistry® is dental health care that is tax deductible depending on your income, so we advise that you check with your accountant.